Here's where you can learn to say what you mean.
Here you can learn to express yourself as you mean it.
Here you can attain having fun with communicating
and personal expression.
As part of my speech therapy work, I deal with the topics of breathing, voice (speaking and singing), language (in the grammatical sense or with regard to vocabulary), pronunciation (e.g. stuttering), intelligibility (e.g. stroke), speaking at lectures, as well as facial expressions, posture, Body expression and communication. In my opinion, all of these components are significant for successful external contact.
The field of this work begins long before what many understand by "language", the so-called verbal language. Language, in the sense of communication, allready starts with the baby. The first sensory contact with the outside world, especially with the mother, gives stimuli and answers to unspoken questions. In addition, conscious eye contact between mother and child takes place much earlier than was thought for a long time. Irritation in early childhood communication can lead to problems with sucking, swallowing, eating and thriving. Sometimes sleep disorders or other symptoms of tension also occur. All of these things find a place in my treatment. As long as the children are very young, I see the mother and the child as a unit that is also treated as such. In this type of work, motor and holistic concepts, such as the Castillo-Morales therapy, as well as my knowledge from craniosacral and osteopathic work help me. A lot of change also happens simply through the conversation and a setting in which mother and child can first arrive in peace and security.
Also the so-called verbal language acquisition, i.e., understandable communication using sounds, words and sentences, begins earlier than many can imagine. The networking of child development areas, such as motor skills (including oral motor skills), perception, behavior, intelligence and language, is so dense that it makes sense to examine and treat all abnormalities in these areas. That I personally call seeing a child as a whole. Perception (especially tactile-kinesthetic, auditory and visual) and the ability to focus are the essential prerequisites for me to learn effective communication. Hereby it is regardless of whether it is about vocabulary, language comprehension, grammar, intelligible articulation, stuttering or voice disorder.
The sincere and emotionally authentic contact between me, the child and the parents is of decisive importance in this work. Therefore, regular discussions with parents (without a child) are part of my treatment concept.
Here I would particularly like to address adults who want to (re) discover or expand the (sound) spectrum of their voice. This procedure is actually intended in a sense of a journey of discovery. Listening to your own voice and body can be just as exciting and creative as this journey. In this process, the individual can either make a direct leap into their own personality; that is, voice resources can be used to make me feel more identified with the person I want to be. Or the leap goes out into the world of others; in the sense that I can express what I think and feel more effectively, with a voice and with words that seem appropriate to me.
Of course, communication is also fun, and - IT'S WORTH IT!
This includes, for example, children with Down syndrome or adults who have suffered aphasia or facial paralysis. I would also like to warmly welcome these clients to my practice.